Believe In Your Royalty

Everything you do is worth believing in yourself that you’re capable of doing it. You deserve it. Women deserve to feel empowered that they can start something, finish something and be successful at it.

I Wanted to Be More

I always wanted to do something where I could be a role model to other women, my whole life plan was to be in medicine, be a doctor.

But life changed, got pregnant at 16, got married at 17, went through a lot of abuse where my self esteem, my self worth was taken.

I didn’t believe I was good enough – because I was with someone who said I was dumb and stupid and couldn’t even finish school. That I wouldn’t be anything.

I never believed what he said, I said “I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna finish school and be successful” even though i was with someone who said i couldn’t.

A lot of women are in that situation where there are people around them telling them negative things – it’s about overcoming that and saying no, I am royal I believe in me and I’m going to do it. 

For me it’s empowering to see other women able to tap into and be that and then knowing that they deserve it and they can do it. 

You’re not just a house wife, or a cameo on a man’s arm or whatever negative belief has been given you.

You Are Royal

Sometimes, Tragedy Strikes

While taking the Real Estate exam, my child pass away in my arms. Most people shut down and don’t move forward, yet life doesn’t stay still. You’ve gotta always move forward because there’s greatness in you.

Push For Purpose

Those situations pushed me towards my purpose and helped me refine my story. I understand the power of your thoughts creating your reality. Get out of toxic situations, the bad husband I had was something I allowed. So I took responsibility for it.

You Can’t Give Up

I overcame being in a domestic violent marriage for 8 years. Raising 6 children, finished my bachelors and masters and started a business. I had been torn down but still believed and continue to believe in being something more.

Going through the domestic violence and being married once, then even the second time I didn’t pick a good person. It wasn’t until the third time that it worked out.

Getting through my masters was particularly important because for me it allowed me to break down excuses because life threw everything it could at me to stop me.

Breaking down those excuses and overcoming them to get to the next level is what it’s all about because life will throw everything at you to try to stop you from what you say you want. You can either give up and give in to the excuses or you can get what you really want.

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